Appear Here Limited WeWork Promotion Terms and Conditions

Scope and Terms of Use

The following WeWork Promotion Terms and Conditions (“WPTC”) apply to the 5% discount promotional offer made available to WeWork users through the Appear Here platform (the “Promotion”). Appear Here provides you (the “Brand”) with services based on these WPTC, our Terms of Website Use, Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy (all available on our website) (the “Rules”). By participating in the Promotion, you agree to be bound by the Rules.

In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these WPTC and the Terms of Website Use, the WPTC shall prevail, but only to the extent necessary to resolve such conflict or inconsistency.

Promotion and Eligibility

Appear Here will provide the Brand with a 5% discount off all bookings for space made through the Appear Here platform.

The Brand must be and must continue to be a WeWork user to receive the discount. If, at any time, the Brand ceases to be a WeWork user, Appear Here reserves the right to terminate the Promotion immediately without notice.


The Brand acknowledges that the Promotion is provided on a trial basis and Appear Here reserves the right to cancel the Promotion at any time without notice.

Upon cancellation of the Promotion, any discount will apply until the expiration of the Brand’s then-current tenancy agreement and will not apply to any new tenancy agreement.


In order to process the 5% discount on bookings made by the Brand, Appear Here will:

  • issue self-billed invoices for all services provided to the Brand
  • complete self-billed invoices showing Appear Here’s name, address and registration number.

The Brand agrees:

  • To fill out the self-billing information form accompanying these terms and conditions.
  • To accept invoices raised by Appear Here on their behalf until further notice
  • To notify Appear Here immediately if they change their VAT registration number, cease to be VAT registered, or sell their business or a part of their business.

No Transfer

The Brand agrees not to assign, novate, cub-contract or otherwise transfer their rights under the Promotion. If Appear Here becomes aware that the Brand has provided the promotion code to a non-WeWork user, it shall have the right to immediately cancel the Promotion.

Language, Governing Law and Jurisdiction

If these WPTC are translated into a language other than English, then the English version shall prevail where there is any inconsistency.

The Agreement and GTC and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including without limitation non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England.

The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with the Agreement and the GTC or its subject matter or formation (including without limitation non-contractual disputes or claims).