Cross Street, Islington - The Green Boutique

Londonchevron iconIslingtonchevron iconCross Street, Islington - The Green Boutique

230 sqft


Bar & Restaurant


Shop Share


A little about this space

This stunning ground-floor boutique lies on the wonderful Cross Street, one of Islington's most charming thoroughfares. With its eye-catching green frontage and large front window perfect for branding, this space is a true gem in the heart of Islington. Currently operating as a barber shop, this space is about to undergo a complete transformation with a full white box renovation, offering a blank canvas for your brand. The space benefits from great footfall, making it ideal for brands looking to capture the attention of London's discerning crowd.


10 days minimum booking

Amenities (9 available)
Wheelchair accessible
Home truths
While this boutique offers a prime location and beautiful aesthetics, it's important to note that the space is on the smaller side. This intimate setting can create a cosy and exclusive atmosphere, but it does require thoughtful planning for product display and customer flow. Additionally, there is no dedicated storage space, so efficient use of the available area is crucial.

It's worth noting that the space is currently operating as a barber shop but is scheduled for a complete white box renovation. This presents an exciting opportunity for the incoming brand to work with a fresh, neutral backdrop.
License details

Read more about our licenses in our FAQs

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9:30 am - 6:30 pm

Weekend: 9:30 am - 6:30 pm

Space rules
Check-in 9 am
Check out 5pm

Deviations from this time cost's £100+VAT

No Alterations
Not to make or permit or suffer to be made any external or internal
structural alteration or addition whatsoever in or to the Demised
Premises or to do or suffer in or upon the Demised Premises any
wilful or voluntary waste or spoil and not to make or permit or suffer
to be made any non-structural internal alterations without the
previous consent in writing of the Landlord such consent not to be
unreasonably withheld or delayed

To repair and keep the Demised Premises and all additions thereto
and the Landlord's fixtures thereon and all Pipes within the Demised
Premises which serve the Demised Premises exclusively in good
repair and maintained cleansed and amended in every respect
except damage resulting from any of the perils against which
insurance cover has been effected pursuant to the Landlord's
obligation to insure hereunder and is in force and is not avoided or
vitiated by any act neglect or default of the Tenant AND ALSO will
when and so often as it shall be necessary to renew any fixtures
belonging to the Demised Premises substitute other fixtures of a
similar description and value to the reasonable satisfaction of the

During the last month of the term (howsoever determined) to permit
the Landlord's Surveyor to enter and inspect the Demised Premises
for the purpose of preparing a schedule of dilapidations for which the
Tenant is responsible under the terms of this Lease and to pay
forthwith to the Landlord the proper scale charges and disbursements
of the Landlord's Surveyor in the preparation of the schedule
Give Notice of Damage

In the event of the Demised Premises or any part thereof being
destroyed or damaged, hereof to give notice thereof to the Landlord as soon as practicable
after such destruction or damage shall come to the notice of the

Not to carry on or permit or suffer to be carried on upon the
Demised Premises or any part thereof any offensive noisome
noxious noisy or dangerous trade business manufacture or
occupation whatsoever nor to use the Demised Premises or permit or
suffer the same to be used for any illegal or immoral purpose

Cleaning windows
To clean the windows in the Demised Premises as often as occasion
shall require and at least once in every calendar month

Not to affix or exhibit or allow to be affixed or exhibited to or upon any
part of the exterior of the Demised Premises or upon or near to the
windows inside or out so as to be visible from outside any placard
poster signboard or other advertisement or sign unless the total area
covered by the same shall not exceed 10% of the total window
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How enquiries work
  1. Send an enquiry with zero commitment
  2. Speak directly with the landlord about the space
  3. Easily manage legals & payment online